A mother's wicked plan
Episode 13 A mother's wicked plan A Star in the Making Nneka started school in the city, and for the first time in her life, she felt free. No one was shouting at her. No one was forcing her to do endless chores. But things were not easy. The school was bigger, and the students were from rich families. Many of them looked at her old shoes and simple clothes and whispered. "Is she a scholarship student?" "She looks like a village girl." At first, Nneka felt ashamed. She missed home, even though home had been a place of suffering. But then she remembered her father’s words: Your future is bigger than this house. So, she held her head high and focused on her studies. The teachers quickly noticed her. She was always the first to answer questions. She stayed back after school to read in the library. One day, there was a science competition. The whole school gathered in the hall. The best students were chosen to compete, and to everyone’s surprise, Nneka was one of them. When her name was called, some students laughed. "That scholarship girl?" But when the competition started, Nneka amazed everyone. She answered questions faster than even the rich kids. By the end of the contest, the principal stood up and announced, "And the winner is… Nneka Ebere!" The hall went silent for a second, then erupted into cheers. From that day, everything changed. People who once ignored her started greeting her. Teachers praised her. Even the rich students wanted to be her friend. But far away in the village, Mama Ebere heard about her success—and it burned her soul. Story (Continue to Episode 14…)